Next Lufthansa strike announced – already for Friday | money

Nothing works on Friday!

passengers of Lufthansa have to reckon with strikes by the pilots again. The union “Vereinigung Cockpit” (VC) announced late on Wednesday evening a day-long industrial action for this Friday, September 2nd.

The board of directors decided this after intensive negotiations with the company and at the request of the collective bargaining committee, as a spokesman said.

︎ Lufthansa flights departing from Germany are to be on strike.

The fact is: The strike is likely to lead to massive flight cancellations and thwart the travel plans of thousands of passengers.

Lufthansa had previously canceled thousands of flights throughout the summer due to staff shortages at airports and at the airline itself.

The reason for the strike

The official reason is the failed negotiations on a new collective agreement from the point of view of the trade union. Discussions behind closed doors and an improved offer from the company last week did not produce any results either.

Most recently, a last attempt at negotiations this Wednesday was unsuccessful. According to the “Vereinigung Cockpit” salary increases of 5.5 percent in the current year and an automated adjustment for inflation from the coming year.

According to VC, 97.6 percent voted in favor of the labor dispute in the ballot, and at the smaller Lufthansa Cargo it was even 99.3 percent. According to the union, participation was over 93 percent in both flight operations. Approval from more than 70 percent of all those entitled to vote was required.

“In order to use labor disputes, Lufthansa must present a significantly improved offer,” explained VC tariff boss Marcel Gröls.

Situation at Eurowings still questionable

The pilots’ union has also prepared to strike at the largest Lufthansa subsidiary, Eurowings, with its around 100 aircraft.

According to the ballot counted on Wednesday, 97.9 percent voted in favor of a possible labor dispute. However, a negotiation date is still pending there in the coming week, so that no specific strike date was initially given for Eurowings. (rgz, dpa)

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