News in the morning – News of March 19, 2022 – Politics

The most important news about the war in Ukraine

Heavy fighting at Cherson airport. The Chernobayevka airport in the south of the country is still the focus of bitter fighting, according to Ukrainian accounts. President Zelensky demands honest negotiations from Moscow. Russia made tactical mistakes in Ukraine, according to the US. To the live blog

Lambrecht: “NATO will not become a war party, it will stay that way”. The German defense minister categorically rules out any military intervention by the Western alliance in Ukraine: “We must prevent this terrible war from turning into a conflagration.” She also continues to reject the no-fly zone demanded by Ukraine over the country attacked by Russia: “The danger would be incalculable. That’s why we decided so clearly not to set up such a zone.” To the interview (SZ Plus)

Biden warns China not to help Russia. The Chinese President does not comment on the US President’s accusation that China is planning such support. Xi has sharply criticized the West’s economic sanctions. These could plunge the world economy into a “serious crisis”. Go to Article

Is Mordaschow’s wife now the largest Tui shareholder? Russian billionaire Alexei Mordashov is moving a large block of Tui shares to a company in the Caribbean. It should belong to his wife. The public prosecutor’s office in Hanover is examining whether there is an initial suspicion of a criminal offence. Go to Article

What is important today

Nationwide incidence rises to 1735. The RKI reports 260,239 new infections – again high values. China reports the first corona deaths in more than a year. Austria reintroduces the obligation to wear masks indoors. New corona regulations will apply in Germany from Sunday. All reports about the corona virus

Prime Ministers rage against new infection protection law. The federal government is drafting new corona rules – the federal states see themselves completely ignored. There is talk of “impudence” and “low point”. Many also consider the content of the law to be too lax. Dissatisfaction is also caused by the fact that the easing comes at a time when the incidence is rising sharply. Go to Article

Bundesliga Friday game: Game abandoned in Bochum. A cup thrown at referee assistant Christian Gittelmann in the 70th minute ended the game between Bochum and Gladbach. Go to Article

Also important:

Opinion: FC Bayern is facing a groundbreaking transfer phase – in which Oliver Kahn has to find new answers (SZ Plus)

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