New Whatsapp update: This is what happens when you long press the send button

Users can look forward to a Whatsapp innovation: if you press the send button, a new function for images and videos will appear.

Munich – The best-known messenger service in Germany has once again released a new update for the Android beta version. With a message menu, pictures and videos can now be sent once.

Android beta update: Whatsapp has new message menu

With the Whatsapp version the messenger offers loud the ability to send pictures and videos that can only be opened once.

Whatsapp is one of the most well-known messenger services in Germany.

© Nikolas Kokovlis/Imago

Normally, users can set this feature as a view by clicking the icon in the title bar. In the future, however, it will be sufficient for the send button to be pressed and held at the same time. A menu then appears in which the user has the option of sending an image or video as a one-time display message.

Send button on Whatsapp: One-time sending of images and videos

According to data from Wabeta info the new feature does not allow sending GIFs. However, in the future, Whatsapp plans to expand the new view-once feature to other media types.

With Whatsapp you can now long press the send button to send pictures and videos once.

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In the future, it should also be possible to display text messages (WhatsApp beta update for Android and audio messages (WhatsApp beta for Android If you want to completely relax on vacation, you better stay away from work. The WhatsApp vacation mode can help with this.

Messenger regularly introduces new functions. Recently, Whatsapp has also been upgraded with a 120 days feature that also affects sending pictures. Thus, Whatsapp accounts are deleted after 120 days of inactivity. (sli)

List of rubrics: © Nikolas Kokovlis/Imago

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