New trailer for “Paradise City”: This is how the action hit with Bruce Willis will be

New trailer for “Paradise City”
This is how the action hit with Bruce Willis will be

When Hollywood heavyweights Bruce Willis and John Travolta meet, things really get heated.

© Billy Bennight/AdMedia/ImageCollect / F.Sadou/AdMedia/ImageCollect

The new “Paradise City” trailer reveals many exciting details about the action hit with Bruce Willis and John Travolta.

Of the first trailer for the action strip “Paradise City” with Bruce Willis (67) and John Travolta (68) directly brings up “Die Hard” vibes. Bounty hunter Ian Swan (Willis) is shot and presumed dead after disappearing in Maui waters. So Swan’s son Ryan (Blake Jenner, 30), his ex-partner Robbie Cole (Stephen Dorff, 49) and a local detective (Praya Lundberg, 33) set out to find his killers.

In the trailer, Swan and his hostage introduce themselves to a group of heavily armed contemporaries right at the beginning. Against the backdrop of gorgeous Hawaiian sandy beaches, the veteran is aiming for a “real whale” (Travolta), as Cole tells his son and the detective. At the standoff in the final scene of the trailer, viewers learn that Ian has been hunting him for over ten years. Over a drink, Travolta asks Willis, “Are you dangerous?” He replies: “Not for my friends.” Then the gang boss: “That’s too bad, because I have enough friends.”

Travolta as a ruthless drug lord

It’s about the “biggest meth operation in the Midwest,” we learn from Ian Swan. “This would make Maui the international drug haven.” Travolta is described as a cold-blooded killer and mastermind with ties to the cartels. Swan and his son’s squad try to stop him and get involved in numerous shootouts and fights, as the trailer reveals.

One saying should particularly appeal to “Die Hard” fans: In one scene, Willis calls out to his companions: “What are you waiting for? Christmas?”

One of the last Willis films?

“Paradise City” will probably be one of the last films with Bruce Willis. In March of this year, Willis’ family announced that the actor was retiring. “With Bruce’s amazing supporters, we want to share as a family that our beloved Bruce is struggling with health issues and was recently diagnosed with aphasia that affects his cognitive abilities.”


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