“New Stories from Pumuckl”: He becomes Master Eder’s successor

“New stories from Pumuckl”
He becomes Master Eder’s successor

Florian Brückner on the set of “New Stories from Pumuckl” in Munich.

© RTL / Luis Zeno Kuhn

The first take for “New Stories from Pumuckl” has fallen. Florian Brückner takes on the leading role as Meister Eder’s nephew.

Master Eder’s workshop is back and is now the setting for “New Stories from Pumuckl”. The first take for the continuation of the cult series of the goblin with the red hair fell in Munich, as the production company announced. The main actor in the workshop is Florian Brückner (38, “The Boandlkramer and Eternal Love”) in the new edition. He takes on the role of Master Eder’s nephew.

Other roles in the new “Pumuckl” series include Milan Peschel (54), Frederic Linkemann (41), Ilse Neubauer (79), Katharina Thalbach (68) and Teresa Rizos (35). The 13 new episodes will be shot in Munich and the surrounding area until the summer of 2022. According to the announcement, the elaborate animation work that brings Pumuckl to life on the screen begins after the last flap.

The series, directed by Marcus H. Rosenmüller (48), is produced by the company Neuesuper for RTL+. The 13 episodes each last 25 minutes and are intended to offer “entertainment for the whole family”. They will be available exclusively on the streaming service from the end of 2023.

Then it’s on to “New Stories from Pumuckl”

“Meister Eder and his Pumuckl” was one of the most popular children’s and family series in Germany in the 1980s. The workbench and band saw had been mothballed for more than 30 years when Florian Eder, Master Eder’s nephew, entered the old carpenter’s workshop in the backyard. History repeats itself on the very first day: Pumuckl sticks to the glue and becomes visible. The two experience new stories in a Munich that has changed quite a bit in recent decades.

Cornelia Liebig, Managing Director of Pumuckl Media GmbH, says about the project: “It’s Pumuckl’s birthday this year, because it’s been exactly 60 years since he was first heard on the radio. What could be a nicer gift, as a new series that brings Pumuckl into the here and now with a lot of humor and soul? We are very happy to be able to accompany this new beginning.”

Pumuckl had made its creator Ellis Kaut (1920-2015) famous. The series was broadcast from 1962 on Bayerischer Rundfunk as a radio play series. From 1982 to 1989 the TV series ran with Gustl Bayrhammer (1922-1993) as Meister Eder. Hans Clarin (1929-2005) lent his voice to the goblin Pumuckl.


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