New single “What I Want”: Lena wants to encourage fans with a song

New Single “What I Want”
Lena wants to encourage fans with a song

Lena Meyer-Landrut is back with a new single.

©Felix Aaron

Lena Meyer-Landrut has released her new single “What I Want”. With the song she wants to encourage listeners.

Lena Meyer-Landrut’s (32) new single “What I Want” is here. The singer also announced on June 16 released the accompanying music video. The song is a harbinger of their forthcoming album.

Impressions can be “overwhelming”

“What do I need to be happy – and what not? What is important to me and what can I do without?” According to a recent press release, the 32-year-old has devoted herself to just such questions in recent weeks and months. Meyer-Landrut processed your findings in the new song.

“We live in wild times, which can sometimes be quite overwhelming because so many different impressions hit us at the same time,” Meyer-Landrut is quoted as saying in the message. At some point you get to a point “where you ask yourself what you want and what you don’t want”. For the singer, this is “a big and frightening question that is often associated with far-reaching consequences, change and uncertainty”. That’s why she wanted to “encourage her listeners with this song not to be afraid of change, but to see it as a new opportunity”.

“My gosh, that’s unbelievable!”

The song is also the beginning of a new chapter for her: “On the one hand, I have huge respect for what lies ahead of me. On the other hand, I’m very happy to be back and I’m infinitely grateful for being able to do what I do .”

“It finally starts again”, Meyer-Landrut also writes on Instagram and thanks her supporters, fans and her team. She says she’s lucky to be “healthy and safe.” The singer has friends and family “who I can let go of” and she can do something she loves every day. She has “the ability to make decisions.” You can “think and act freely”. Her conclusion: “My face is unbelievable!”


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