New rules in Austria: In the pedestrian zone with an FFP2 mask

Status: 06.01.2022 6:44 p.m.

Austria’s Chancellor Nehammer describes the Corona situation as “very serious”: In order to reduce the numbers, an FFP2 mask will also apply outdoors in the future if the distance cannot be maintained. In addition, the quarantine times are shortened.

In view of the sharp rise in the number of infections, the Austrian government has decided to take stricter corona measures. In the future, an FFP2 mask will have to be worn outdoors if a two-meter distance cannot be maintained, as Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer announced in Vienna. This applies, for example, to pedestrian zones and queues.

There are currently far-reaching restrictions for unvaccinated people in Austria, such as 2G regulations in retail. The controls should be strengthened here, said Nehammer. In addition, tightened sanctions should apply. “If companies do not adhere to the guidelines, we will have the means to block the companies.”

Shorter quarantine times

At the same time, the quarantine regulations will be changed. Contact persons and also infected people can test themselves using a PCR test from the fifth day onwards. People who have received three vaccinations and everyone who wore an FFP2 mask during contact would no longer be counted as contact persons in the future.

In addition, employees in important companies and organizations who would be listed as contact persons should continue to do their work with an FFP2 mask and daily test. Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein said that Omikron required a rethink of politics. The variant is many times more contagious, at the same time the risk of being admitted to hospital is lower. But the high number of infections could impair the functionality of the critical infrastructure.

According to the information, the so-called green passport as proof of vaccination will only be valid for six months from February.

Exertion to avoid lockdown

The situation is very serious, said Nehammer. With a joint effort, however, a new lockdown can be prevented. However, he cannot rule out such a step.

In Austria, the number of corona infections is currently increasing rapidly. 8,263 new infections were reported on Thursday, compared with around 3,000 at the beginning of the year.

Austria is also introducing compulsory masks outdoors, compulsory vaccination remains a goal

Wolfgang Vichtl, ARD Vienna, 6.1.2022 6:58 p.m.

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