New regulation: Mandatory indications of origin for more meat products – politics

From Thursday onwards, extended rules on indications of origin will apply to meat in the refrigerated counters of supermarkets and butchers. The origin must now also be labeled for unpackaged meat from pigs, sheep, goats and poultry, as a regulation by Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) stipulates.

This previously applied to packaged goods and unpackaged beef. The country of rearing and slaughter must be indicated using small signs or on screens. The expanded labeling requirement is intended to provide consumers with more clarity when purchasing, as Özdemir made clear. This would allow you to consciously choose local products and support German agriculture, which also means higher animal welfare and environmental standards compared to many other countries.

According to a survey by the opinion research institute YouGov, assessments of the benefits of expanded labeling vary. 35 percent said that it would tend to influence their purchasing decision. Eleven percent believe it completely, another 24 percent at least somewhat. On the other hand, 41 percent tended to see no influence on their own purchasing decision, 22 percent did not believe this at all, 19 percent rather not. 14 percent said that they do not buy any meat at the deli counter. According to the information, 4,634 people aged 18 and over were surveyed on January 24th.

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