New outbreaks: Corona deaths in China for the first time

Status: 03/19/2022 12:25 p.m

Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, China has been pursuing a strict zero-Covid policy. But despite strict quarantine rules, mass testing and tough lockdowns, two deaths have been reported for the first time.

By Benjamin Eyssel, ARD Studio Beijing

New Covid deaths have been reported in mainland China for the first time in more than a year. The authorities announced that two infected people had died in the northeastern part of Jilin as a result of their viral disease. According to official information, the last death was in January last year.

Overall, mainland China, where the coronavirus was detected in late 2019, has recorded more than 4,600 deaths since the pandemic began. However, observers have doubts about the official figures from the Chinese state and party leadership.

Borders are largely closed

In mainland China, there are currently more corona infected people than in two years. There are curfews for millions of people. A total of around 4000 new infections from the previous day were reported today. The People’s Republic has had a strict zero-Covid policy since the original outbreak in the city of Wuhan. This is implemented with strict quarantine rules, mass tests and tough lockdowns.

In addition, the country’s borders are largely closed. The corona numbers in China have therefore been very low for about two years. Because of the highly contagious omicron variant, it is now more difficult for authorities to keep the virus under control. A few days ago, China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping called for sticking to the zero-Covid strategy and doing everything possible to get the latest wave under control.

5,000 deaths in Hong Kong this year

The virus got out of control in the Chinese special administrative region of Hong Kong. The zero-Covid policy has worked well there for a long time too. Since the outbreak of the omicron variant, however, there have been tens of thousands of new infections there every day.

The city of seven million has now recorded more than 5,000 corona deaths, most of whom died this year. According to official figures, more people have died in connection with Covid-19 in Hong Kong than in mainland China, where 1.4 billion people live.

China: First Covid-19 deaths in over a year

Benjamin Eyssel, ARD Beijing, March 19, 2022 10:59 a.m

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