New novel by Stuckrad-Barre: Celebrities promote “Still awake?”

A roman a clef to the Causa Reichelt? Almost 70 celebrities advertise in videos for the book “Still awake?” by Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre – and thus continue to fuel the rumors about the work.

Jan Delay is standing in a meadow, Christian Ulmen is driving the car, Caro Daur joins in from Los Angeles: They are three of around 70 musicians, actresses, authors and other celebrities in several promotional videos for Benjamin von Stuckrad’s new book -Barre, including Lena Meyer-Landrut, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, Joko Winterscheidt and the journalists Anja Reschke and Caren Miosga. “Still awake?” is the name of the novel that is due to appear in three weeks – and is already considered the most eagerly awaited book of spring.

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