New Investigation Confirms Presence of Perfluorinated Contaminated Eggs

Are we on “the eve of a major health scandal”, as feared by farmers in the Lyon region? Ten months after the publication of a survey ofCorrespondent, revealing the massive presence of perfluorinated (PFAS) in the town of Pierre-Bénite, the Rhône prefecture has just published the first results of the investigations carried out. At the end of the day: a worrying observation.

Analyzes were carried out on eggs belonging to individuals residing in Oullins, Pierre-Bénite, Saint-Genis-Laval and Irigny. Of the 30 samples taken, 26 reveal the presence of “eternal pollutants” with values ​​exceeding the thresholds set by the European recommendation. And all the samples taken from the municipalities of Pierre-Bénite and Saint-Genis-Laval are “non-compliant”.

“Do not eat the eggs” of 12 neighboring municipalities

State services have announced that they are expanding their field of investigations with 12 neighboring municipalities, namely the 7th and 8th arrondissements of Lyon, Solaize, Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, Feyzin, Vourles, La Mulatière, Chaponost, Francheville , Saint-Fons, Brignais, Charly and Vernaison.

New samples will be taken, in particular on eggs from farmed hens. In the meantime, the Rhône prefecture recommends not “to consume the eggs of hens held by individuals” in these twelve municipalities.

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