New Fathers: Why There Are So Few Of Them – Society

They diaper, feed and are incredibly close to their children. In theory at least. But who reads all the books that are coming out about the “new” fathers? In any case, the trend is hardly noticeable in real life.


Philip Boverman

Because questions will arise anyway: This text was written under difficult conditions. Not for me, but for my partner who is on her way to the emergency room right now with our daughter, two years old, suspected concussion. Guess which one of us worries more. Guess who stayed at home and works who is writing this text about the new dads and the books they read or their partners hope they will read, these books about the new dads. The text has to be finished, actually it should have been finished three weeks ago, but something kept coming up. So I write, there is no other way. After all, there is no other way. Welcome to madness.

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