New evacuations in Normandy, a minor arrested

The series of high school evacuations continues. Schools in Seine-Maritime had to be evacuated this Wednesday morning after receiving, like Tuesday, messages threatening an attack.

“Blaise-Pascal high school, Gustave-Flaubert high school, Jean-Baptiste de-la-Salle private high school, Camille-Saint-Saens high school [tous situés à Rouen, N.D.L.R.], the Marcel-Sembat high school in Sotteville-lès-Rouen, the Fernand-Léger high school in Grand-Couronne, the Auguste-Bartholdi vocational high school in Barentin, the Les Bruyères high school in Sotteville-lès-Rouen” were targeted, i.e. eight in all after seven already targeted on Tuesday, according to the press release from the Seine-Maritime prefecture. The decision to evacuate high schools was taken without “any threat having been confirmed at this stage”, indicate the authorities.

A high school evacuated near Rennes after threats by email

But the investigation entrusted to the territorial direction of the judicial police is progressing, since a 17-year-old minor has been arrested. For the moment, “no other information” has filtered out. Near Rennes, the Frédéric-Ozanam school complex in Cesson-Sévigné was also evacuated, with “sheltering of students and staff”, after “reception of an email containing a threat of attack,” the Ille-et-Vilaine police announced on X (formerly Twitter).

On Tuesday, many schools had already been evacuated, not only in Seine-Maritime but also in Seine-Saint-Denis, Hautes-Pyrénées and Yvelines due to threats of attacks.

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