New Echo Dot: The smart speaker can do that

New Echo Dot
The smart speaker can do that

Always someone at home: The new Echo Dot can, among other things, control the room temperature in combination with a smart heater as instructed.


As of today, the fifth generation of Amazon’s smart speaker Echo Dot is officially on the market. What the smart speaker can do.

With the fifth-generation Echo Dot, another smart speaker from Amazon appears that builds on the previous devices. While the design doesn’t change much, the developers have upgraded the inner workings of the speaker. This is in both new versions of the Echo Dot.

outer values

From the outside, the fifth-generation Echo Dot can actually only be distinguished from its predecessor if you opt for the new deep-sea blue variant. However, models in anthracite and white are also part of the range. Otherwise, the devices look almost the same, and the dimensions of the speaker are identical to its predecessor at 100mm x 100mm x 89mm. In addition, Amazon also offers a “Kids” version with child safety for its new speaker, which is available in an owl or dragon design.

The Echo Dot can certainly be identified as the fifth generation if you opt for the version with a clock. Although there was also a version with LED digits in the fourth generation, the look of the current version has changed slightly. The LED display integrated into the loudspeaker not only shows the time, but also the current song title, the weather or the alarm clock. There is no 3.5mm jack on the back of the device, the only remaining connection is for the power supply.

Inner values

The fifth generation of the Echo Dot with a weight of 340 grams is slightly heavier than the fourth generation (328 grams). In view of the additional hardware installed, this is no wonder. According to the manufacturer, the integrated 44mm speaker – the predecessor had a 41mm speaker – should not only be able to reproduce voices clearly, but also offer twice as much bass as the fourth generation. A temperature sensor is also installed, which, together with the assistant Alexa, opens up new possibilities – such as switching off the heating or the air conditioning in summer as soon as a certain room temperature is reached.

Also new is an accelerometer that enables touch interaction with the Echo Dot. Turn off the alarm, end a call or pause a song – a tap on the top of the speaker is all it takes to do all of these commands. The Echo Dot is particularly practical when you connect other smart devices in your home to it. Alexa can be entrusted with various tasks, for example turning the coffee machine on in the morning or turning off the light at certain times.

Amazon also states that 95 percent of the textiles used and 55 percent of the plastics used consist of recycled consumer waste. The fifth generation of the Echo Dot without a clock is currently available for around 60 euros, the version with a clock and the “Kids” version cost ten euros more.


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