New directors for the Munich Music Theater Biennale – Munich

The “Munich Biennale – Festival for New Music Theater” may have a cumbersome name, but it is something unique in the world: Since 1986, only new operas have been premiered every two years. Up to now they have only been directed by composers, the founder Hans Werner Henze, then Peter Ruzicka and, in contrast to their predecessors, the duo Manos Tsangaris and Daniel Ott, who are primarily interested in experimentation, are currently in office. But male rule will end in 2026, and then, as the Munich city council has just decided, two women will take over. One is the composer Manuela Kerer, the other the music manager Katrin Beck: “The Munich Biennale as a festival of the city and for the city will continue to open the window to the world in the spirit of Hans Werner Henze.”

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