New blow for the Lyonnais with the absence for two months of Jason Denayer

When you are a Lyon supporter, you have to hang on to find good news for a month. Between the rout in Rennes (4-1), the announcement of an almost official departure from Juninho, the interrupted match against OM, then the last two porridge against Reims (1-2) and Bordeaux (2- 2), there is something to be totally cooled off after the exciting debut of Peter Bosz on the bench. To enhance everything, OL has just indicated this Monday, via a press release, that Jason Denayer, who had to give up his place in the 44th minute on Sunday in Bordeaux, suffers from a sprained right ankle.

According to the exams he has just passed, the Belgian central defender should be unavailable for “about two months”. An absence all the more damaging as Sinaly Diomande is also currently injured in the ankle, and that he should then join the Ivorian selection to play next month in the African Cup of Nations. The Lyon defense worksite is therefore not about to be resolved.

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