New analyzes after suspected pollution of drinking water

Analyzes must continue. Since Monday evening, Veolia teams have been investigating to find the origin of the suspicious pollution affecting the Veneffles drinking water network. This village made of charming stone houses is part of the commune of Châteaugiron, south-east of Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine). Between 600 and 700 inhabitants have been without water since Monday June 26 due to a strong smell of hydrocarbons. Several residents had alerted the municipality on Monday because of the strange smell emanating from tap water. Since then, consumption is prohibited. Bottles of water were distributed to affected residents.

Present on site since Monday, Veolia agents have still not found the origin of the pollution. “The results of the samples are not sufficient to declare the water consumable. The measures are therefore all renewed identically for one day: samples, analyses, receipt of an SMS sent by Veolia, and distribution of bottles of water this evening”, specifies the Eau des Portes de Bretagne syndicate. New results are expected on Wednesday.

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