New Ambassador of Ukraine: Calmer and more diplomatic


Status: 10/24/2022 11:33 a.m

The new Ukrainian ambassador, Oleksii Makeiev, is acting differently than his often provocative predecessor, Melnyk. But he too will push for more support and more weapons.

By Bernd Musch-Borowska, ARD Studio Kyiv

“Hello Germany – I’m Oleksii Makeiev, ambassador-designate of Ukraine in Berlin.” The new Ukrainian ambassador, Oleksii Makeiev, introduced himself to the public with a selfie video on Twitter when he arrived in Germany about a week ago.

Specialist in international relations

Today, after Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier presented him with the accreditation certificate, he will officially succeed Andrij Melnyk, who returned to the Ukraine after almost eight years as ambassador in Berlin.

Makeiev is considered a specialist in international relations. The political scientist, who was born in Kyiv in 1975, entered the diplomatic service at the age of 21, with stations in his country’s diplomatic missions in Switzerland and Germany.

Thanks for refugee help

Like his predecessor Melnyk, he speaks fluent German and thanked Germany for taking in so many refugees: “Thank you Germany for doing everything you can to make Ukrainian refugees feel safe.”

That was before the arson attack on a Red Cross shelter in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for Ukrainian women and children who had fled to Germany to escape the war in their country.

“Sanctions are the last peaceful means”

In 2014 Makeiev became the political director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, in 2020 the special representative for sanctions policy. He lobbied western states to support Ukraine in defending their country by imposing sanctions on Russia.

The sanctions are important because they hit Russia more than the Kremlin leadership wants to admit, Makeiev said in an interview at the French Institute for International Relations published on the Internet. “Sanctions are the last peaceful means available. The Ukrainians are fighting against Russia’s military aggression, and the Europeans are supporting us with the sanctions,” Makeiev said. “And they are a peaceful means – the last.”

emphasis on the common

Unlike his predecessor Melnyk, who was recently controversial because of his often provocative statements, Makeiev appears calmer and more diplomatic. But just like his predecessor, Ukraine’s new ambassador will advocate more support from Germany and more arms deliveries.

“The Ukrainians are fighting in the trenches and they are not only defending their country, but also the European security architecture,” the diplomat said. Diplomacy is important, but: “If you approach Russia with classic diplomacy and expect dignity and respect, you will quickly realize that you are only dealing with criminals who put pressure on, humiliate and cheat their interlocutors.”

But together with Germany, according to Makeiev in his Twitter selfie video, we will be able to defend a peaceful Europe: “I will work to ensure that we, Ukrainians and Germans, make Europe a safe place.”

Portrait of the new Ukrainian ambassador in Germany

Bernd Musch-Borowska, ARD Kyiv, 24.10.2022 09:48 a.m

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