“Never Gonna Give You Up”: Greta Thunberg surprises with a vocal contribution

“Never Gonna Give You Up”
Greta Thunberg surprises with a vocal contribution

The Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. Photo: Claudio Furlan / LaPresse via ZUMA Press / dpa

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Climate activist Greta Thunberg picked up the microphone in Stockholm – but this time to sing. The song title is chosen appropriately.

Nobody expected that: the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg surprised the visitors of a concert in favor of climate protection in Stockholm with a singing interlude.

Together with another climate activist, the 18-year-old bellowed the 80s hit “Never Gonna Give You Up” by Rick Astley in front of a cheering crowd on Saturday evening and danced to it.

According to the Swedish newspaper “Aftonbladet”, it was the first time that Thunberg showed her singing skills in public. “We are ultimately just teenagers fooling around with each other, not just the angry children who the media often portray us,” she told the newspaper after the performance.

In any case, show business should not be entirely foreign to Greta: Both her mother Malena Ernman (50) and her sister Beata Ernman Thunberg (16) are in the music business, as “Aftonbladet” noted. Mother Malena, who is actually an opera singer, even represented her home country in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009.

The concert on Saturday in Stockholm was part of a series organized by the climate activists Fridays for Future and the festival organizer Livegreen under the title “Climate live” in 45 countries. Artists such as the Swedish singer and songwriter Lars Winnerbäck and the indie pop duo Aid Kit performed.


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