Neuried benefits from record income from trade tax – district of Munich

Neurieder municipal councils were able to experience a “great moment” on Tuesday evening. What SPD municipal councilor Mechthild von der Mülbe meant was not so much the bare figures of the budget, but rather the point in time: the people of Neurieder can adopt their budget this early – as early as the second half of February. That hadn’t been the case for a long time, and figures were often negotiated well into the spring. This year they are more pleasing. While last year it was hardly possible to prove the financial capacity of the small community on the city limits of Munich to the district office, this is the case in 2022 and also for the following years. This is thanks to the surprisingly high trade tax revenue.

The trade tax revenue of 13.5 million euros last year was a “record revenue”, said Treasurer Roland Zürnstein at the municipal council meeting. For the municipality of Neuried, this means financial relaxation, because this means that almost six million euros can flow into the budget and from there be invested in the major construction projects. Above all, the construction measures at the elementary school, the construction of the day-care center on Bozaunweg and road construction measures are the major items. Among other things, a withdrawal from reserves is necessary for financing, so that this will shrink to 829,000 euros in 2022.

Nevertheless, the per capita debt is 473 percent above the national average

However, the positive budget development cannot hide the fact that the Neurieders are up to their ears in debt. The level of debt is expected to amount to 27.5 million euros at the end of the year, the per capita debt is thus 3200 euros, which is 473 percent above the national average. The repayment is firmly planned, everything depends on the sale of the property in the town center, which should bring in 17 million euros and should counter-finance the purchase of the commercial property in Hainbuchenring, into which the town hall will move completely in the future.

The municipal councils were impressed by the figures. It is particularly pleasing that the clubs were able to receive their desired grants without cancellations, said von der Mülbe. In the past, this always had to be fought for. However, the committee also called for savings. “We must continue to check expenditures for their necessity,” warned Michael Zimmermann (CSU) that trade tax cannot be relied on. Dieter Maier (Greens) also emphasized this. This year the community was “incredibly lucky” to be in a better position than other communities in the crisis. But trade can only grow to a limited extent due to the limited space in Neuried.

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