Neubrandenburg: Six-year-old killed near football field

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Parents reported him missing: six-year-old killed near football field

A missing six-year-old was found dead near Neubrandenburg

© Carsten Rehder / DPA

Horrible crime in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: The police in Neubrandenburg are investigating the manslaughter of a six-year-old and are pursuing several investigative approaches. There is suspicion of manslaughter, but details cannot yet be given, a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office told the German Press Agency on Friday. The boy was found lying in the bushes near a football field by firefighters on Thursday evening with “massive injuries to his upper body,” the police said. Attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful. The radio station “Ostseewelle Hit-Radio Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania” had previously reported.

The spokesman said the injuries could be stab wounds. The autopsy of the body, which began this morning, will provide more details. A result on the cause of death is not expected until Friday afternoon at the earliest.

Neubrandenburg: Parents reported child missing

The parents reported the six-year-old missing on Thursday because he did not come home from playing in the afternoon as agreed. The police, fire department and residents then searched for the child. Search dogs and a police helicopter were also used.

The spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office said it was still unclear whether the place where the car was found was also the crime scene. The location of the discovery is in the village not far from a lake, where there is also a football field, said the spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office.

The police have secured many clues at the site. The area is cordoned off. Intensive surveys have already been carried out in the town, which is located on federal highway 104 east of Neubrandenburg. But it is not yet clear whether a suspect can be found in a short time, said the public prosecutor.

Note: This article has been updated.


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