Neubiberg – schoolgirls collect for children with cancer – district of Munich

Since this school year, there has been a project workshop for the eighth grade at the Neubiberg high school. Pupils choose a topic from their area of ​​interest and work independently throughout the school year without the pressure of grades. Luisa, Jette, Julia, Ida, Ana and Johanna quickly realized that they wanted to start a social project. “A child from our circle of friends has cancer and inspired us to do so,” says 14-year-old Johanna. They asked cancer centers how they could help and decided to get involved with the children’s cancer center in Augsburg: “There are only children there,” says Johanna. The schoolgirls learned that toys of all kinds are a great change and distraction for the little patients. So they knitted, did handicrafts and painted and sold Christmas decorations in the staff room, and then in the spring they made homemade waffles at school. Some money came together.

Not enough, the students thought. At the main street festival in Neubiberg, they distributed flyers about their project “Together against cancer” and addressed visitors. Some kept running, some donated cash and others transferred money, because the donation account filled up noticeably after the festival. The young people start one last action at the school festival on Wednesday. “The sale of waffles was great, ice cream could be a hit in summer,” they thought. And went into action, rather to their favorite ice cream parlor. A direct hit! Cristiano Visentin from Crema Gelato in Ottobrunn immediately agreed to donate ice cream to children with cancer. And when the students couldn’t find an ice cream counter to rent, he smiled and made them available for them too. Now the girls can sell ice cream in the flavors of cookies, watermelon and mango at the school festival on Wednesday from 4 p.m.

Your social project is then actually over. But they still want to go to Augsburg and visit Frida, an eight-year-old girl who has overcome her malignant abdominal tumor, and the children’s cancer ward. Then the schoolgirls also want to hand over the collected money to the local parents’ initiative Lichtblicke. They have already collected more than 4000 euros, 4444 are the goal. Anyone who would like to support the Neubiberger girls can donate to the account with IBAN DE 26 7025 0150 0150 5442 60 at the Kreissparkasse München, account holder and purpose “Together against cancer”.

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