Neubiberg – Preparing for emergencies – District of Munich

How should provision be made for people in need of assistance and care in old age? What should you watch out for in a living will if a person wants to decide for himself or herself about medical treatment in the event of an incurable illness or death? Stefanie Sonntag from the workers ‘welfare organization Munich-Land provides information on this topic at the members’ meeting of the Neubiberger Awo. The lecture will take place on Tuesday, August 31, from 6 p.m. in the Wilhelm-Hoegner-Haus, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 27. Even those who are not Awo members can come. Due to the pandemic, participation is only possible for those who have been vaccinated, those who have tested negative or who have recovered. Registration with Hans Kopp (phone: 0151/58 40 98 38).


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