Neubiberg is considering retention areas for flood protection – district of Munich

The question of flood protection has long been an issue in the municipalities on the Hachinger Bach. Neubiberg’s Mayor Thomas Pardeller (CSU) can now imagine a solution for his community using retention areas that is also feasible without the neighboring communities. “We’ve been talking about it since 2014, but nothing substantial has happened so far. There is an acute need for action here,” he said, according to a press release from the Neubiberger CSU, at an information event organized by the local association on the subject of flood protection and renaturation of the Hachinger Bach.

At the event, he presented the possible solution, which could only bring about a significant improvement in flood protection in the Unterbiberg district of Neubiberg. According to the CSU, the plans are based on advice from a hydrological institute. In essence, they envisage the creation of retention areas that absorb large amounts of water and can be drained at different times via a powerful drainage system. A variant could only be realized on Unterbiberger Flur.

Protection of Perlach would also be possible

A second includes areas in the state capital of Munich, in which the pipeline system would be laid further into Perlach and could thus protect against flooding there as well. The Neubiberg district of Unterbiberg, like Oberhaching, Taufkirchen, Unterhaching and parts of the city of Munich, lies on the Hachinger Bach, which is frequently flooded. For this reason, the affected communities have been trying for a long time to implement inter-communal flood management.

In addition to flood protection, visitors to the information event also learned about options for renaturing the Hachinger Bach, which the municipal council decided last year at the request of the CSU. Volker Höpken, CSU councilor and master gardener, explained possible designs on the idyllic body of water. He spoke of poor meadows as well as damp hollows and flower strips, but also of common areas with seating and shady trees.

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