Neubiberg – Everything at a glance – District of Munich

Neubiberg:Everything in view

Minister of State Schreyer meets research

Minister Kerstin Schreyer with AR glasses.

(Photo: Siebold / University of the Federal Armed Forces)

Minister tests AR glasses

They look like virtual reality glasses, through which you can imagine yourself playing computer games in a 3-D world. But augmented reality glasses are different. With them you can see digital content in addition to the real environment. Bavaria’s Transport and Construction Minister Kerstin Schreyer at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Neubiberg has now got an idea of ​​how they can also be used in bridge construction. As part of a kind of in-house exhibition, the CSU politician found out about various new research projects. One is the use of Augmentend Reality (AR) to identify defects in bridges without further damaging them. Schreyer was enthusiastic: “The Bundeswehr University is researching inventions from which the whole world can benefit.”

© SZ from October 14th, 2021 / dabo

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