Neubiberg – change of district should save Unterbiberger school – Munich district

In order to maintain the primary school in Unterbiberg, a change in the school districts in the municipality of Neubiberg should be applied for at the school authority. The municipal council decided on Wednesday with two dissenting votes. The background is that the Neubiberg primary school is very busy with more than 300 students. In the Unterbiberg elementary school, which currently has around 150 students, some classes can only be maintained with the help of guest students. Affected parents expressed concern at the meeting about the further way to school. The municipal administration promised to find a good solution.

Specifically, the district for the Unterbiberg school is to be expanded to include the Äußere Hauptstrasse, the Burgermeister-Schneider-Weg, the Ilm-, Isar-, Lech- and Mangfallstrasse, as well as the Pfarrer-Sickinger-Weg and the Professor-Messerschmidt-Strasse. Rector Christiane Bussert from Unterbiberg explained how important it is to change the district: “I’m here today because our school is about survival.” If the change doesn’t come now, one class would be dropped, namely the all-day class.

“In Unterbiberg I can almost guarantee that you will get a place in the all-day class or in the after-school care center.”

Bussert reported that there are often free places in the after-school care center at her school and these are filled with children from Munich, while children at the Neubiberg elementary school are not cared for in the afternoon because the after-school care center and lunchtime care are full. “In Unterbiberg I can almost guarantee that you will get a place in the all-day class or in the after-school care center,” she said. And turning to the local council: “I hope you save our wonderful school.” The parents’ council chairman also expressed herself in this direction. Her colleague from the Neubiberg elementary school, on the other hand, explained that it was “bursting at the seams”.

An affected father, who recently moved to Neubiberg, complained that the parents had not been informed beforehand. He raised the issue of school buses and asked to what extent Ukrainian children who will move into the containers on the runway are involved. Head of the public order office Rita Burkhard emphasized that a solution for the way to school was already being sought. Burkhard spoke of the idea of ​​increasing the frequency on the 211 V bus route. This requires school route helpers on the line.

As an alternative, she mentioned the idea of ​​buying a minibus and driver yourself. She assured parents that the children would be taken to school safely and on time and that there would be a safe stop within walking distance. The Ukrainian children played no role in the precinct debate, she said. In addition, the children who are now attending the Neubiberg elementary school should stay there, and their siblings would also be able to go there. Mayor Thomas Pardeller (CSU) announced an information event on the change of district.

Free voter municipal councilor Stephanie Konopac, who organizes the school helpers in Unterbiberg, recalled that in the past, with the help of the school helpers, it was possible to bring the children safely from Neubiberg to Unterbiberg. There had already been changes to the parish in 2011 and 2015.

The town hall administration assumes that until the completion of the new development areas on the state property on the Äußere Hauptstrasse and on the Isarstrasse and Ilmstrasse in 2026 or 2027 there will be fewer schoolchildren in the Unterbiberg district. Until then, the school is to be preserved by the district change. “In Unterbiberg we are not finished with the development, the community still has a lot to do. We need the Unterbiberg school,” said Hartmut Lilge (CSU). Jürgen Leinweber and Kilian Körner from the Greens voted against the advance. The latter lacks, among other things, the school requirement figures for the future.

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