Network talk: Hofreiter heads the committee with his son on his lap

network talk
Hofreiter heads the committee with his son on his lap

Anton Hofreiter (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), chairman of the committee for European Union affairs, during an interview with dpa. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Opinions differ, but the Greens politician Hofreiter always provides a topic of conversation with this action. He simply takes his little son with him to the EU committee.

Unusually young visit to the EU committee of the German Bundestag: The 15-month-old son of the Green politician Anton Hofreiter (52) took part in the meeting on his father’s lap on Monday – and thus caused a lot of discussion on social networks.

While dad “Toni” chaired the meeting as chairman of the EU committee, his blond son was playing with a toy car on the table.

An employee of the German Bundestag’s online service had published a photo of the father-son appearance on Twitter. Many users welcomed Hofreiter’s approach as “progressive”. Others, on the other hand, criticized the Green MEP that he only wanted to advertise himself with this campaign. Hofreiter himself had previously taken his child to work and pushed it through the corridors of the Bundestag in a stroller.


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