Netanyahu will receive the mandate to form his new government on Sunday

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, winner of the November 1 legislative elections, will officially receive the mandate to form a new government on Sunday. “State President Isaac Herzog today completed meetings with representatives of the parties elected to the Knesset (parliament),” the presidency said in a statement. A majority of deputies, 64, recommended that the president grant Benjamin Netanyahu the mandate to form a government, which will receive it accordingly on Sunday.

Benjamin Netanyahu will therefore be summoned to the presidency on Sunday “to accept the task of forming the government”. He will have 28 days to assemble his ministerial team, with an additional 14 days if necessary. The right-wing bloc of Mr. Netanyahu and his ultra-Orthodox and far-right allies won the majority in the legislative elections (64 seats out of 120), ahead of the camp led by Yaïr Lapid (54 seats).

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