Netanyahu continues to reject ceasefire with Hamas

As of: October 31, 2023 4:50 a.m

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu does not want to agree to a ceasefire with the terrorist militia Hamas: They will not capitulate to barbarism. In neighboring Lebanon, the Israeli Air Force attacked Hezbollah positions after rockets were fired from there into Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to reject a ceasefire in the fight against the terrorist organization Hamas, which dominates the Gaza Strip. “Just as the United States would not have agreed to a ceasefire after the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the September 11 terrorist attack, Israel will not agree to a halt to fighting with Hamas after the terrible attacks of October 7,” Netanyahu said Monday evening. Any call for Israel to agree to a ceasefire is a call “to capitulate to Hamas, to terrorism, to barbarism. That will not happen,” Netanyahu continued.

The international community called on Netanyahu to side with his country now. A line is now drawn “between the forces of civilization and the forces of barbarism.” He hopes for support from civilized countries. “Because Israel’s fight is your fight. Because if the axis of evil of Hamas and Iran wins, you will be the next target. Therefore, Israel’s victory will be your victory.”

Civilians should move to the south of the Gaza Strip

Netanyahu said military officials shared the assessment that Israel’s ground operation in Gaza could make the hostages’ release more likely. “Hamas won’t do it unless they’re under pressure.” Netanyahu stressed that civilians in the Gaza Strip would be safe if they moved to the south of the coastal strip. “Not a single civilian has to die,” said the Israeli Prime Minister. He again accused the terrorist militia Hamas of preventing people from leaving the north of the coastal strip.

With the attacks on Hamas infrastructure in the north of the Gaza Strip, Israel is responding to the massacre on October 7th and the ongoing rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

Attacks on Hezbollah positions in Lebanon

At the same time, Israel again carried out air strikes on Shiite Hezbollah militia facilities in neighboring Lebanon. “Warplanes have attacked infrastructure belonging to the terrorist organization Hezbollah on the territory of Lebanon,” the army said on X, formerly Twitter. Weapons and facilities used by Hezbollah were destroyed. Rockets had previously been fired at Israel again from Lebanon.

Since the major attack on Israel by the radical Islamic Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas on October 7th, there have been almost daily military clashes on the Israeli-Lebanese border. There are fears that Hezbollah could open a new front to support Hamas from Lebanon.

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