Nemausus and Cafi ligérien share the 2021 trophy

Two winners for the price of one. For the first time, the French burger cup will not have one winner, but two: the Nîmois Joannes Richard with his Nemausis and the Stéphanois
Stéphane Giroud with his Cafi Ligérien. Two astonishing burgers which respected, each in their own way, the theme of the year: “back to basics”.

It was necessary to understand “return to regional sources” for these two burgers which, if they are inspired by the original American model, skilfully divert it by adapting the basic ingredients to those of their terroirs: salicornia collected on horseback in Camargues and smoked meat of bull for the first, homemade bread and fourme de Montbrison cromesquis for the second.

It was the touch of “creativity and originality” that the president of the jury promised to reward from the outset. David Gallienne. The winner of season 11 of Top chef, who runs the starred restaurant
The Feather Garden in Giverny, had warned that he expected a good burger “that it transports us, that it makes us travel and that it awakens the taste buds with its tastes and its history!” This was done, at the end of a very tough competition, where the most extraordinary aesthetics (ah! The sculptural square burger by Martial Collus) competed with the most unexpected flavors (oh! The succulent tartare burger of ‘algae from Malo Gwen Le Gall).

For less than five euros

The events started at 9.45am this Monday morning, at the Fabriqueénementielle (Paris 10th district). Of the 373 candidates registered for this competition organized by the meat brand Socopa, they were only 25 preselected for the five regional finals. Objective: to make a burger that is out of the ordinary for a “material cost” not exceeding five euros this year (it was six last year).

At 4.30 p.m., there were only five candidates left, among the most creative and tasty, to compete for the national final at snack time … “It’s crazy as in the regions, the chefs are more creative and more daring than in Paris ”, exclaimed the Parisian Vincent Boccara, 2017 winner, before the 2021 jury returned to award the French Cup to the first two nominees, who set the bar so high“ that it was impossible to decide ”, apologized the president David Gallienne.

The two incredible champions of France will be able to be tasted at home very soon. That is to say Chez Jo, in Nîmes (Gard), for the first, at the
Pouilly house in Montbrison (Loire) for the second.

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