Nelson Mandela’s original arrest warrant was sold as NFT for $130,000.

A digital collection of Nelson Mandela’s original arrest warrants more than half a century ago were sold as NFTs for over $130,000.

Prior to becoming South Africa’s first black president, Nelson Mandela was part of the African National Congress (ANC), where hehas becomeHe was the leader of Johannesburg’s youth division and later the national vice president.

The party’s goal was to fight supremacy and racial discrimination. However, Nelson helped form the ANC paramilitary force to participate in guerrilla warfare after the 1960 massacre of black protesters.

He was first arrested for treason in 1961 before his release. He was detained again in 1962 for leaving the country without permission and inciting workers to strike. He spent almost 30 years in prison. and was released on February 11, 1990.

Today, his legacy continues in digital form, according to Bloomberg. informthat his original arrest warrant was sold as NFT tokens in an auction of 1.9 million rand ($130,000) to help fund a legacy that represents the nation’s struggle for democracy.

The Liliesleaf Museum Heritage Site will be paid based on the original document since 2004, when the auction was conducted on the NFT – Momint market.

“They have been severely affected by the lack of tourism due to COVID-19. So this is their way of reviving their trend and keeping history alive.”

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