Nearly 300 left-wing women call on parties to “ward off the perpetrators of sexual violence”

In a column published in The worldOn Monday, nearly 300 left-wing politicians called on the parties to “rule out the perpetrators of sexual and gender-based violence”, believing that they still support too many elected officials and accused candidates. “We, women working in politics, elected officials, collaborators, civil servants, community leaders, activists who regularly rub shoulders with politicians, but above all citizens, call on the political world to respond to the sexual and gender-based violence committed by our representatives ”, write these 285 women.

Speeches and repeated alerts

These represent a wide left arc, from MEP Manon Aubry (LFI) to Senator Laurence Rossignol (PS) through EELV number two Sandra Regol, the finalist of the primary environmentalist Sandrine Rousseau and the Deputy Mayor of Paris Hélène Bidard (PCF).

“Within the Parliament, town halls, departmental and regional councils, men implicated, sometimes condemned for rape, for sexual assault, for sexual assault on a minor, for domestic violence, are elected, despite the speeches posted on the fight against violence against women, despite our repeated alerts, ”they denounce. “Once again and on the eve of crucial elections for our country, we urge the political apparatuses to listen to the victims and to do preventive work”, add the signatories.

“When will listening be released? “

According to them, “the political world must assume its responsibilities, remove the perpetrators of sexual and gender-based violence from its ranks and be exemplary in the designations”. “The voice of women has been freed, but when will it be free from listening, real inclusion in political parties? “, They question, before concluding:” We demand that the political world finally take into account the #MeToo movement “.

Were at the initiative of the forum Fiona Texeire, collaborator of elected officials, speaker at Sciences Po Rennes, Mathilde Viot, co-founder of the association “Collaborator Chair”, Madeline Da Silva, deputy mayor of Les Lilas (Seine-Saint-Denis ), Alice Coffin, Paris advisor and Hélène Goutany, journalist.

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