Nearly 130 million Polkadot (DOT) locked in Parachains as of Q1 2022.

Crypto analytics provider Messari has published a report on Polkadot’s Q1 performance outlining the protocol’s pricing execution, network usage, the latest developments in staking and decentralization. and future possibilities

The document states that Polkadot has successfully auctioned 13 parachain slots, totaling 127.8 million DOT – worth $2.9 billion. In addition, 28 more parachain slots will be auctioned until February 2023, bringing a total of 41 auctions.

Even if the active account and the new account are reduced during the same period. But the growth of parachains also confirms the ecosystem’s continued progress.

By using a Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) mechanism designed to decentralize the network’s validator set, Polkadot has 294 out of 297 (99%) validators staked 1.8-2.6 million DOT.

The number of active developers is also an important metric that assesses the strength of an ecosystem. The report states, “Q1 2022 average monthly developer activity decreased by 10% as developers prioritize enabling previously deployed features rather than developing new features.”

In conclusion, Polkadot’s developer activity remains at the top tier in the crypto market after Ethereum only.

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