Nearly 1,000 km of traffic jams at midday

It was announced as the worst on the roads of France: this Saturday is classified black and for good reason. The traditional crossover of vacationers clogged the main axes with nearly 1,000 km of cumulative slowdowns at midday according to Bison smart, who therefore feared “the most difficult day of the summer”.

The peak was reached with some 963 km of traffic jams recorded at noon on the entire national network, according to the curve published on the website of the road information service, against a peak of 1,080 km accumulated last Saturday. Road traffic had already been very dense on Friday, a day classified as red in the direction of departures, with nearly 650 km of cumulative delays.

Sunday will be smoother

As a result of this switchover weekend between “Julytists” and “Augustians”, the A10 motorway which connects the Paris region to the South-West has thus recorded more than 130 km of slowdowns around noon, with a doubled travel time between Poitiers and Bordeaux. The region, always very popular with holidaymakers, suffered at noon some 238 km of traffic jams in total.

In the South-East, also very affected by these massive holiday departures, the A7 motorway (Lyon-Marseille) recorded more than 185 km of slowdowns and 123 km were noted on the A9, during the peak of mid -day, with in particular “extremely difficult traffic between Béziers and Narbonne”.

Sunday, the day is classified orange in the direction of departures and green in the direction of returns.

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