Near Toulouse, students give their time to their elders… to be housed

The objective is simple, but ambitious: to fight against the loneliness of seniors and student insecurity. The latter is alarming in France, with nearly 40% of students living below the poverty line and 25% of them having difficulty finding affordable accommodation, according to the Observatory of Student Life. On the side of our elders, the Covid-19 has left its mark and the isolation is felt more.

And Domitys, a senior residences company in France, launched Générations Part’âges in 2017. This program has enjoyed growing success for seven years and aims to help students who have financial problems… while promoting intergenerational exchanges. “It’s a great opportunity. It’s very rewarding,” says Leslie Mauger, a nursing student who spent three months in the “Château Camas” senior residence located in Pin-Balma near Toulouse. “The integration went very well. We had fun organizing themed evenings, pétanque competitions and quizzes. It was a treat,” explains the student from Rouen.

“We are not always easy to live with”

Because at Domitys, it’s not free. “Generations Part’ages” allows a student to live for free in a 35 m2… in exchange for 15 hours per week (ie 59 hours per month) spent with the senior residents. These hours can be used to accompany them on outings, share meals, organize activities, etc. Between baths in the swimming pool, exertion in the gym and her internship at the hospital, Leslie, who held the position of animation assistant, was also able to take advantage of what our elders have to transmit: “Discussions , good times. They have so much to bring to us and so do we. »

Visually impaired, Brigitte Thibaut, 89, was able to count on the help of Leslie: “She allowed me to update my phone, to read notes from the residence. She was always available for us. “It allows students to have good accommodation and help others at the same time. It’s good that young people are here, not everyone has grandchildren, comments the octogenarian again. And these young people do not always have grandparents and it can be a good mutual presence. »

Since the creation of this program, 47 students have taken part in the Générations Part’Ages experience by following training in various fields such as the medical, social, economic, IT and commercial sectors. This year, 35 senior service residences are taking part in this system. In the region, there are five, including one in Gaillac, Cahors or Pin-Balma. A godsend for students, “provided they like the elderly, concludes Brigitte laughing. We are not always easy going. »

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