near Nantes, young prisoners rebel, eight guards injured

The tension was again high this weekend at the penal establishment for minors (EPM) of Orvault, in the Nantes suburbs. Saturday, around 11:30 a.m., four detainees attacked a guard who asked them to be reinstated in the cell at the end of their walk. The officer was beaten up but managed to set off the alarm. Seven other supervisors then arrived as reinforcements, but the teenagers refused to comply and dealt many blows.

The first officer attacked is injured and in shock. Its duration inability to work was not yet known on Monday. His seven colleagues suffered superficial injuries. Some of the victims filed a complaint on Monday.

“Particularly difficult” teenagers

The interregional directorate of penitentiary services indicates that 41 adolescents aged 13 to 18 are currently prisoners at Orvault, some of which are considered “particularly difficult”. The minors involved in Saturday’s assaults will be subject to “disciplinary treatment”, she adds.

Already last January, five prison staff were injured by a young prisoner in Orvault. “For two years, heavy attacks have multiplied and the only response is inertia. Ideas, reflections and then nothing more”, denounces FO Justice. The union is calling for an “immediate contribution of agents” to this site.

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