near Nantes, 80 horses saved from the flames

Big fright last night at La Chapelle-sur-Erdre, in the first suburbs of Nantes. A fire has indeed broken out within the Vaillantière equestrian center. The fire started shortly before 1 a.m. in a building housing fodder storage. But the horse stable was next door. The firefighters therefore intervened urgently, with great resources, to attack the flames and save the animals. Some 80 horses were able to be evacuated and brought to safety, reports the
departmental fire and rescue service.

The material damage was significant but the incident was limited to the main building of 3,000 m². The propagation to neighboring equipment has been avoided, rejoices the Sdis. ” The worst has been avoided. The managers were alerted in time thanks to the fire detectors, ”explains Fabrice Roussel, mayor of Chapelle-sur-Erdre.

The intervention was still in progress this Wednesday morning. The cause of the fire is, for the time being, undetermined.

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