Near Ingolstadt: Drunk driver stops in the middle of the A9 – Bavaria

A drunk driver stopped in the middle of Autobahn 9 in the direction of Nuremberg near Ingolstadt. The driver had a breath alcohol level of 3.8 per mille, the police announced on Sunday. Several callers had previously reported a queue driver to the police.

When the police found the car on Saturday and signaled the 54-year-old driver to stop, he allegedly drove from the right lane into the middle of the highway. The car then came to a stop almost across the middle of the road. The officers made it clear to the 54-year-old that he should drive his car onto the hard shoulder, which he then did.

The driver had a “terrible level of alcohol,” according to a police statement. Accordingly, the man would not have been able to walk or stand without help. The 54-year-old was first taken to the police station. From there he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. The man’s driver’s license was confiscated by the police. There was a kilometer-long backlog on the A9.

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