Near Earth Asteroids Today: THESE Asteroids Are Approaching Earth – 1 Is Potentially Dangerous!

With “(2008 XB1)” – in addition to 10 other asteroids – 1 potentially dangerous asteroid reaches the closest point in its orbit today. An overview of the currently largest asteroids near Earth and potential dangers.

NASA is currently aware of over 1.1 million asteroids. Thousands more of these usually irregularly shaped rock bodies are discovered every month. Special attention is paid to the so-called near-Earth asteroids, which do not move around the sun like most asteroids in the asteroid belt, but come close to Earth’s orbit and can therefore also be dangerous for the blue planet. This article gives you an overview of all the near-Earth asteroids that are passing the closest point in their orbit today.
On Sunday, June 19, 2022, a total of 11 asteroids will reach their closest station during the day, including 1 potentially more dangerous asteroid.

The largest near-Earth asteroids today

“351278 (2004 SB20)” With an estimated diameter of 473 to 1057 meters, it is currently the largest asteroid near Earth. “351278 (2004 SB20)” will make its closest approach to Earth today at 02:11. The second largest near-Earth asteroid is “(2011 KP17)” and has an estimated diameter of 402 to 900 meters. “(2015 HA10)” today ranks 3rd among the largest near-Earth asteroids (202 m – 451 m).

This asteroid is coming particularly close to Earth today

The closest thing to Earth today is the asteroid “(2021 LA6)”. It approaches our planet at 9:25 p.m. at a distance of up to 8.3 million km.
The asteroid that has come closest to us so far without impacting Earth was “(2020 QG)”. On August 16, 2020, it flew past Earth at a speed of around 44,000 km/h, just 3,000 km away. Coming from the direction of the sun, experts didn’t see it coming: it was only spotted 6 hours after its flyby. It would probably not have caused much damage on Earth even if it had collided. Because of its small size, only 3 to 6 m in diameter, it is assumed that it would have burned up in the atmosphere if it had come closer.

Potentially dangerous asteroids near Earth today

Potentially dangerous asteroids are those asteroids that come closer than 0.05 AU (approx. 7.5 million km) and have an absolute brightness of 22 mag or less. They are therefore considered large enough (at least around 140 m in diameter) to cause considerable damage in the event of an impact. About 20 percent of near-Earth asteroids are classified as potentially dangerous.
Today there is 1 potentially dangerous asteroid near Earth: “(2008 XB1)”.

(2008 XB1)
First observation: 03.12.2008
Last observation: 02/22/2017
Absolute brightness: 20.9 mag (faint)
Estimated diameter: 176 m to 393 m
Distance: 37.4 million km
Speed: 66430.85 km/h (18.45 km/s)
Time of the shortest distance to earth: on 06/19/2022 at 5:39 p.m

10 Earth Orbit Cruisers near Earth

Asteroids that cross the orbit of the earth are also called orbit cruisers. Near-Earth type asteroids Apollo cross Earth’s orbit from outside, near-Earth type asteroids Aten cross the earth’s orbit from within. Today a total of 10 Earth orbit cruisers are approaching our planet.

  • Near-Earth Apollo asteroids today: “351278 (2004 SB20)”, “(2008 XB1)”, “(2011 KP17)”, “(2012 US9)”, “(2015 HA10)”, “(2022 DP8)”

  • Near Earth Aten asteroids today: “(2008 CL20)”, “(2010 RX30)”, “(2021 LA6)”, “(2021 LJ6)”

Amor and Atira type asteroids do not cross Earth’s orbit. While the hard-to-discover Atira-Asteroids move completely within Earth’s orbit, approaching type asteroids cupid the earth’s orbit from the outside.

  • near-Earth Amor asteroids today: “(2014 MZ5)”

All near-Earth asteroids today at a glance

SurnamedistancesizespeedTypeAppointment close to earth
(2021 LA6)8.3 million km19 – 42 m30477km/hAten06/19/2022 at 9:25 p.m
(2014 MZ5)22.2 million km42 – 94 m43519km/hcupid06/19/2022 at 1:15 p.m
(2010 RX30)22.8 million km10 – 23 m48380km/hAten06/19/2022 at 11:56 p.m
(2022 DP8)27.7 million km117 – 262 m26400km/hApollo06/19/2022 at 07:00 a.m
(2008 XB1)37.4 million km176 – 393 m66431km/hApollo06/19/2022 at 5:39 p.m
(2021 LJ6)46.5 million km17 – 39 m43293km/hAten06/19/2022 at 00:36
(2015 HA10)66.6 million km202 – 451 m69891km/hApollo6/19/2022 at 5:34 am
(2011 KP17)69.3 million km402 – 900 m91558km/hApollo06/19/2022 at 02:47 am
(2012 US9)72.7 million km113 – 254 m74098km/hApollo06/19/2022 at 11:34 am
(2008 CL20)72.7 million km23 – 52 m60344km/hAten06/19/2022 at 7:43 p.m
351278 (2004 SB20)72.8 million km473 – 1057 m70288km/hApollo06/19/2022 at 02:11

+++ Editorial note: This text was created automatically based on current data from NASA. If you have any comments or questions, please contact [email protected]. +++

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