NDW hit: “I want fun” singer Markus wants fuel price brakes

NDW hit
“I want fun” singer Markus wants fuel price brakes

40 years ago, Markus sang about a horror price for fuel in his hit “I want fun”. Today he wants a fuel price brake. Photo: Silas Stein/dpa

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“And petrol also costs three ten marks: it doesn’t matter, it’ll work!” sang the NDW singer in 1982 – and half the nation agreed. What was unimaginable at the time has long since overtaken reality.

The “I want fun” singer Markus has a clear opinion on the currently high fuel prices. The 62-year-old told the German Press Agency that he was in favor of a fuel price brake.

“For me personally, it should be around 1.55 euros, because that would be 3.10 DM divided by two,” says the singer of the famous car driver hit “I want fun”, which says, among other things: “And taste Gasoline also three marks ten: it doesn’t matter, it’ll be fine!». Markus was one of the big stars of the Neue Deutsche Welle. In the summer, the singer from Bad Camberg in Hesse wants to release a new album (planned title: “Life loves me… and I love life”).

Incidentally, in 1982, according to the ADAC, a liter of Super cost an average of around 1.40 marks. At the end of the week, the price table at the petrol station showed a nationwide average of around 2.20 euros for a liter of E10. However, price comparisons between the DM era and today’s euro era are difficult. But this much can be said: The price defined in the song as a horror vision has not yet been reached. If you consider that the consumer price level has roughly doubled since 1982, then the 3.10 marks that Markus sang about at the time would correspond to a price of around 6.20 marks (equivalent to 3.17 euros) today.


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