Navy: More than 400 migrants rescued in the English Channel

More than 400 migrants rescued in the English Channel

A group of people believed to be migrants are brought to Dover by border police. Photo: Gareth Fuller / PA Wire / dpa

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Thousands of migrants try to cross the Strait from France to Great Britain every year – many must be rescued. Within one day alone, hundreds got into distress.

In the English Channel between France and Great Britain, more than 400 migrants have been rescued from distress since Tuesday evening.

This was announced by the French authorities in the city of Calais on Wednesday evening. A person who was already unconscious was finally pronounced dead on land. The migrants had tried to cross the English Channel by boat to get to Britain.

Ships from the French Navy, the coast guard, customs and two helicopters were involved in the relief operations. Between the beginning of the year and the end of August alone, almost 16,000 migrants had been rescued in the English Channel – significantly more than in previous years. A similar number made the crossing to Great Britain.

The British government, which introduced a new, rigid immigration system after Brexit, is a thorn in the side of illegally arriving migrants. London and Paris recently agreed to step up controls on the coasts.


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