Nature: forest fire near Jüterbog: the situation remains tense

Forest fire near Jüterbog: the situation remains tense

A freshening wind fanned the forest fire near Jüterbog south of Berlin and more than doubled the affected area to 326 hectares. photo

© Thomas Schulz/dpa

It continues to burn in Jüterbog. Yesterday the wind had doubled the area of ​​the forest fire. The fire has not yet reached the protective strip.

The situation with the forest fire near Jüterbog south of Berlin is still tense. The head of the municipal regulatory office, Christiane Lindner-Klopsch, announced in the morning that the fire had not yet reached the protective strip. It is therefore expected that the fire will reach it in the course of the day. It is not possible to say exactly how large the affected area is at the moment. The area has been largely unchanged since yesterday evening. But there is no reason to give the all-clear. “The situation is still tense, but under control,” reported Lindner-Klopsch. According to the information, a briefing is scheduled on site around 10 a.m.

Freshening wind fanned the forest fire near Jüterbog south of Berlin yesterday and more than doubled the area affected. According to the information, around 326 hectares were affected in the evening – an area the size of around 457 football fields. However, not everything in this area is on fire.

The protective strip in the southern area was widened yesterday to further protect localities from flames from a former military training area spreading to them, the head of the public order office reported. The former military training area is loaded with ammunition. There were several ammunition detonations on the burned area on Sunday evening and Monday morning, she said.


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