natural treatments to get rid of it

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What is the boxwood moth?

The boxwood moth or Cydalina Perspectalis is a moth that happened to us, fortuitously, straight from East Asia in the 2000s. This butterfly lays its eggs on the leaves of the boxwood. Until then, nothing serious! But their hatching goes give birth to caterpillars which, facing the boxwood leaves, turn into ogres.

The voracity of these caterpillars is such that it can cause severe damage to the shrubor even lead to his death. The proliferation of the boxwood moth is rapid, since the females will lay eggs between 200 and 300 eggs every time. Hatching then occurs within 48 hours. Barely 3 mm in size at the 1st stage of its development, the caterpillar is then barely visible, unfortunately, it becomes larger and larger and its appetite changes in the same way.

Bad news for us: it can reproduce throughout the year and does not go away during the winter. We can just see a decrease in the pace when the temperatures are the lowest.

How to detect its presence?

If you have boxwood, the more vigilant you are, the faster you can act. It is therefore necessary to carefully observe the leaves to make sure that the boxwood moth has not invited itself to your home. Here are the points to look for:

  • Monitor the health of your boxwood. Its yellowing, nibbled leaves should alert you.
  • try detect presence of the boxwood moth. With its green body marked with streaks and black dots, and its completely black head, the caterpillar is easily recognizable. As for the nocturnal butterfly, it is characterized by white wings edged with brown with golden or iridescent reflections.
  • Eggs, deposited several times a year on the underside of the leaves, may also attract your attention.
  • During the winter you can also notice some kind of cocoon. It serves as a shelter for the caterpillar during this period. Or you may see small webs appearing between the branches, reminiscent of cobwebs.
  • Finally you can note droppings which can be greenish to black.
Wood moth get rid
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Natural solutions to effectively eliminate the boxwood moth

In a single year, it is possible to count up to 3 generations of boxwood moths. In addition, at present, there is no no natural predator to this species, which favors its propagation. It is a real scourge that needs to be monitored, but above all to be controlled by the elimination of these caterpillars.

Preventive solutions

To keep the boxwood moth at bay, you can already bet on some preventive actions. Indeed, the detection of an infestation can be difficult, it is therefore useful to bet on prevention. You can thus install a pheromone trap to attract this pest before fertilization. For this, you must place it near the boxwood in April.

Manual processing

The body of the boxwood moth is not covered with stinging hairs, so you can proceed to hand picking up caterpillars as soon as you spot it. You can also install a tarp under your shrub and the vigorously shake to knock down the caterpillars. Likewise, you can use a powerful water jet to damage nests and eliminate caterpillars.

Anti-insect net

This is another preventive solution to control this caterpillar. You must as well install an insect net between March and October. In this way you protect your boxwood (s) at the time of laying. When a boxwood is affected, this solution also makes it possible to quarantine it to prevent the moth from spreading to the surrounding boxwood.

Treatment with Bacillus Thurengiensi

Between March and October, you can also opt for a treatment based on Bacillus Thuringiensis. Before you can use the product, you must first mix it with a little water, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Then all you have to do is spray the product on the entire boxwood, carefully spraying the leaves on each side. After that, allow about 5 days before the caterpillars are eliminated.

It may be necessary to repeat the operation after 8 days to be sure to get rid of all the caterpillars. The product is to be used at the end of the day or in cloudy weather. After this treatment, it is recommended to leave a pheromone trap nearby.

Black soap

You can also turn to black soap to combat this unwanted. Known for its insecticidal properties, black soap is an effective solution to naturally overcome many unwanted people. To do this, simply mix 6 to 8 tablespoons of ecological black soap in 10 L of water. If desired, it is possible to add to the mixture of olive oil or another vegetable oil at the rate of 1 teaspoon.

If the infestation is very heavy you can slightly increase the amount of black soap. Once your mixture is ready, spray it quickly, because it does not keep for long, and preferably at the end of the day. Again, insist on the right side and back of the leaves so that the leaves are completely soaked. This treatment can be repeated every 15 days.

White vinegar

Commonly used to get rid of caterpillars in the garden, you can opt for white vinegar. To do this, it is enough to mix it with water, in equal amounts. However, its effectiveness is less proven, which is the reason why it is better to use it in addition or in prevention.

Bordeaux mixture

To prevent moth attacks, you can also bet on Bordeaux mixture. It should be applied at the end of winter and at the beginning of spring. This very old solution must be prepared with care.

It is made up of two solutions: the first is a mixture of water and copper sulphate, while the second is slaked lime and water. As these products can be dangerous, it is advisable to use protective gear to manipulate them.

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