Natural gas: Habeck: Energy partnership with Qatar firmly agreed

natural gas
Habeck: Energy partnership with Qatar firmly agreed

Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck in conversation with Saad Sharida al-Kaabi, Qatar’s Energy Minister. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Germany is looking for new partners to reduce dependence on Russian gas. The trip to Qatar looks promising.

According to Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck, Germany and Qatar have agreed on a long-term energy partnership. This is a step towards becoming less dependent on Russian gas in the face of Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine.

Habeck said in Doha after a meeting with the Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, that it was “greatly” firmly agreed to enter into a long-term energy partnership. The day got a strong momentum, »said Habeck (Greens). The Emir’s support was strong beyond measure and stronger than expected.

The companies that have come to Qatar are now entering into deep contract negotiations with the Qatari side. Habeck did not want to provide any information on the agreed quantities. Qatar is one of the world’s largest exporters of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Before the trip he had said that it was about short-term as well as long-term deliveries. Habeck wants to promote the construction of LNG terminals in Germany.

The minister said the agreed partnership with Qatar not only includes LNG supplies, but also the expansion of renewable energies and energy efficiency measures. German companies could offer a lot in these areas.


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