NATO special summit: More troops on the eastern flank

Status: 03/24/2022 3:37 p.m

In view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, NATO wants to massively increase its troops on the eastern flank. The alliance decided this at a special summit. It also warned Russia against using chemical weapons.

NATO will massively increase troops on its eastern flank. The 30 heads of state and government agreed on this at their special summit in Brussels. According to this, four additional so-called battlegroups will be stationed in Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania.

After the end of the special summit, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the heads of state and government agreed that the war in Ukraine must not spread. He reiterated that there will be no NATO troops in Ukraine. With the invasion, Russia is endangering global security.

Further support for Ukraine

NATO wants to support Ukraine with further equipment to protect against biological and chemical attacks. Allies have decided to provide further assistance to enable Ukraine to exercise its fundamental right to self-defense, Stoltenberg said. This includes cybersecurity assistance and equipment to protect against biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear threats. This could include detection, protection, medical aids and training for decontamination.

The alliance states are already equipping Ukraine with extensive military supplies, said Stoltenberg. These include anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems and drones, which have proven to be extremely effective.

Warning against the use of chemical weapons

At the same time, the NATO countries are warning Russia against using chemical weapons. The summit’s final declaration said: “Any use of chemical or biological weapons by Russia would be unacceptable and would have serious consequences.”

The NATO countries are also calling on China not to support Russia in the war. At the beginning of the meeting, Stoltenberg said that NATO “must respond to a new security reality in Europe”. He spoke of a “critical time for our security”. The alliance is united in condemning the Kremlin’s “unprovoked aggression” and supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who was connected to the NATO summit, asked in a video speech for unlimited military aid, especially for fighter jets and tanks. According to him, his country has requested at least 200 tanks from the alliance. “They have more than 20,000 tanks. Ukraine asked for one percent,” he said in a video link to the NATO summit. Kyiv would also buy them. “We don’t have a clear answer yet,” he lamented. The situation is similar with the requested aircraft and missile defense systems. “I ask you to change your assessment and think about security in Europe and in the world,” appealed Zelenskyj.

After the NATO summit, also G7 and EU summits

In addition to the summit of the alliance, a meeting of the leading democratic economic powers (G7) and a summit of the EU states were also scheduled in Brussels. US President Joe Biden also wants to attend all three meetings.

Biden arrived in Brussels on Wednesday. He hoped to persuade the allies to introduce further sanctions against Russia. Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said the US hoped the determination and unity seen since Russia’s attack on Ukraine began would last “as long as it takes.”

Little excitement about Scholz

Chancellor Olaf Scholz caused an unwanted uproar: The SPD politician only arrived with a significant delay for the top meeting at the alliance headquarters in Brussels. As a result, he missed both the traditional family photo and the opening of the session. According to information from the Chancellor’s environment, the reason for the delay was the nightly negotiations on the relief package for the high energy prices in the coalition committee, in which Scholz had taken part.

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