NATO meeting on Ukraine: Stoltenberg sees Russia weakened

Status: 10/12/2022 10:26 am

The defense ministers of the NATO countries are discussing further support for Ukraine today. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg sees the Kremlin under pressure and Ukraine on the rise.

By Stephan Ueberbach, ARD Studio Brussels

“Russia’s President Putin is failing,” says Stoltenberg, referring to the attempted annexation of Ukrainian territories, the partial mobilization and the “irresponsible nuclear rhetoric” of the Kremlin. The NATO Secretary General calls all of this the most severe escalation since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression, but also a clear sign that the invasion is not going the way the leadership in Moscow had imagined.

Stoltenberg promises further military aid to Ukraine. For example with anti-aircraft systems, armored vehicles, ammunition and winter equipment. In order for the alliance partners to be able to replenish their supplies, the armaments industry must produce more and faster, the Secretary General demands, especially if the war drags on for a long time.

Next week, the Western Defense Alliance will begin maneuvers to defend Alliance territory with nuclear weapons. Stoltenberg describes the exercise as “routine and planned for a long time”. NATO’s nuclear capabilities would serve to keep the peace, deter extortion and deter attackers. In any case, NATO is watching the Russian nuclear forces very closely. But Moscow also knows that a nuclear war cannot be won and should never be waged.

“NATO does not want to be a party to the war”, Michael Grytz, ARD Brussels, on the meeting of NATO defense ministers

Morning magazine, October 12, 2022

NATO wants to better protect infrastructure

After the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines and the attack on Deutsche Bahn, NATO also wants to increase the protection of important utilities such as power, data and gas lines. In the North and Baltic Seas, the alliance has doubled its presence to more than 30 ships, supported by air reconnaissance and submarines. According to the NATO Secretary General, any deliberate attack on the critical infrastructure of an alliance partner will be decided and answered jointly.

Before the two-day conference of NATO defense ministers, the so-called “Ukraine Contact Group” will first discuss further arms deliveries for the Ukrainian army at the invitation of the USA. Representatives from around 50 countries are expected. It is now the sixth meeting. The group was founded in April at the US air force base in Ramstein, Rhineland-Palatinate.

The United States and Germany recently announced that they would provide additional modern missile launchers for air defense. A virtual NATO summit is also under discussion. As early as next week, the heads of state and government of the alliance countries could connect via video conference to discuss the current situation and promise further support for Ukraine.

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