NATO boss Stoltenberg at BILD Live – “Putin made a terrible mistake” – Politics abroad

Day 22 in Putin’s bloody war against Ukraine.

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg (62) settled accounts live on Thursday afternoon at BILD with the warmonger and his previously failed invasion: “Putin made a terrible mistake. It’s Putin’s war and it’s his biggest mistake.”

Because, according to Stoltenberg: “He absolutely underestimated the strength and courage of the Ukrainian army, the Ukrainian leadership, President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people”.

The Kremlin despot probably didn’t expect such a cohesive response from the Western defense alliance either. Stoltenberg: “We supported Ukraine financially, humanitarian and also militarily.”

Stoltenberg continued: “And we will make Russia pay a high price for this brutal and senseless war”.

Dramatic reports and footage of war crimes being committed by Putin’s soldiers on behalf of the Kremlin tyrant in Ukraine have piled up in recent days. Among them: bombings of civilian homes, schools, hospitals and theaters. The city of Mariupol is under siege, the water and electricity supply is dead, and Putin’s soldiers also shot at people fleeing the cities.

Ordinary people are being terrorized by Putin.

Stoltenberg: “We hear reports and see examples of civilians being killed. Hospitals are under attack”. That is why NATO is “glad that the international court of justice has opened the investigation because of potential war crimes has opened”.

Then Stoltenberg spoke about his defense alliance. He again emphasized that “no NATO aircraft will be sent into Ukrainian airspace” “in order to avoid an escalation as far as possible.”

But: “What we do in the Ukraine just watching is awful, it’s destructive. We see death and destruction. If this escalated beyond the border of Ukraine, we would see even more death and devastation.”

He then warned Putin directly against such an escalation beyond Ukraine: “We have forces at different levels of readiness.” Among them: “200 ships and more than 100 aircraft on standby over NATO territory.” And further: “Some of these troops are ready for combat if necessary” –

As examples he cited the battle groups in Lithuania (under German leadership), Latvia, Estonia and Poland.

“We have now also set up some in Romania. And we will send more to the east of the alliance and we will increase them. We have planes and ships ready,” Stoltenberg said. Because: “We defend our allies and we strengthen security and thus the security of all allies”. For this one would “do what is necessary”.

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