National patent diploma session 2023

This year, 867,182 candidates are registered in metropolitan France and in the overseas departments and regions (DROM). They are divided into two series:

  • 777,214 candidates in the general series, i.e. +0.8% of candidates compared to 2022;
  • 89,968 candidates in the professional series, i.e. + 5.19% compared to 2022.

In French Polynesia, 4,543 candidates are registered for all series combined.

Abroad, 26,560 candidates present the DNB general series spread over 123 countries.

DNB allocation methods

The national diploma of the patent is the first important examination of the schooling of the pupil. He appreciates the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of college.

For candidates with school status, the DNB is assessed on 800 points. The diploma is awarded by evaluating the level of mastery of eight components of the common base of knowledge, skills and culture (400 points), as well as by five final tests, including an oral one, compulsory at the end of the third year. The final tests of the DNB represent 400 points distributed as follows: French (100 points); mathematics (100 marks); history-geography, moral and civic education (50 points); sciences (physics-chemistry, life and earth sciences and technology) (50 points); oral test (100 points). It is awarded to candidates who have obtained a total of at least 400 points at the end of the five final exams.

For candidates from the international or Franco-German sections at the DNB, the diploma is assessed on 900 points. The diploma is issued by evaluating the level of mastery of eight components of the common base of knowledge, skills and culture (400 points), on the five compulsory final tests (400 points), including an oral one, at the end of the third year and on the two specific oral tests (out of 100 points: 50 points for each of the oral tests).
To obtain the international option or the Franco-German option, the candidate must obtain a mark greater than or equal to 25 points in each of these 2 oral tests.

Mastery of the common base of knowledge, skills and culture is assessed during the class council in the third quarter. The points awarded for each component are defined as follows: insufficient mastery (10 points); fragile mastery (25 points); satisfactory mastery (40 points); very good command (50 points).

Candidates with individual status (in particular those educated in a private educational establishment outside the contract) are assessed on 400 points. The DNB is awarded to candidates who have obtained a total of at least 200 points at the end of the five final tests: French (100 points); mathematics (100 marks); history-geography and moral and civic education (50 points); sciences (physics-chemistry, life and earth sciences and technology) (50 points); living foreign language (100 points).


Mentions are awarded according to the points grid that corresponds to each series and each category of candidates.

For candidates with academic status, the mention “quite well” is granted to candidates who have obtained a total of points at least equal to 480 out of 800; the mention “good” to candidates for a total of points at least equal to 560 out of 800, the mention “very good” for a total of points at least equal to 640 points out of 800.

For academic candidates from the international or Franco-German sections, the mention “fairly good” is awarded to candidates who have obtained a total of points at least equal to 540 out of 900, the mention “good” for a total of points at least equal to 630 out of 900, the mention “very good” for a total of points at least equal to 720 out of 900.

For candidates with individual status, the mention “fairly good” is granted to candidates who have obtained a total of points at least equal to 240 out of 400, the mention “good” for a total of points at least equal to 280 out of 400, the mention “very good” for a total of points at least equal to 320 out of 400.

The graduation ceremony

The success of the students in the DNB and the general education certificate (CFG) constitutes a first outcome of their learning. In order to recognize and value the merit of each student for obtaining this first diploma, each establishment is invited to organize a ceremony of delivery. Organized in the colleges, preferably in the fortnight before the All Saints holidays, it is also an opportunity to strengthen the links between the college and the establishments in which its former ninth-grade students continue their training (general and technological high schools , vocational high schools, apprentice training centers, etc.).

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