Nathan Trent: TikTok is “in control” of his life

Nathan Trent is still known to many from his appearance at the ESC in Kyiv in 2017. The singer is now a TikTok star.

As early as 2017, Nathan Trent (29) delighted the ESC audience with his exceptional voice and the song “Running On Air”. In Kyiv he represented his home country Austria, but in the final he finished 16th only for midfield. Even then, Trent sang about the ups and downs of life – similar to what he does now on his debut album “The Stages of Change”, which will be released on April 1st.

He also talks about low points and self-doubt in an interview with the news agency spot on news. The 29-year-old also looks back on his ESC participation. This memory is currently overshadowed by the war in Ukraine, which he says “breaks his heart”. He also talks about his TikTok success: The platform “has my life under control,” explains Trent. After all, more than 260,000 followers are constantly waiting for new videos from the singer.

In your song “Faith” you encourage everyone who is going through a low point. How do you deal with such moments in your own life?

Nathan Trent: Not too long ago I had one of those moments where I didn’t know how to move on. “Faith” was the first song that I felt differently, which is also the reason for the album. I wrote this song for myself back then, to give myself faith in myself again if I had doubts again. After all, it’s not always easy as an artist, but you have the privilege of being able to do what fulfills you. In such situations, I always seek contact with my friends and family. And then, as always, turn to the music.

As a musician, you’re often under pressure to deliver and convince others. What helps you believe in yourself?

Trent: That’s the thing that bothers and bothers me the most. The pressure to convince others. But I always think to myself, first and foremost I make music for myself, because I like it and because it’s good for me. And then it helps me to look back on my career so far and see with gratitude how many of my goals I have already achieved. This gives me the strength to keep going and to achieve my next goals.

On Instagram in February you showed yourself vulnerable and plagued by self-doubt. Why was it important to you to present this side of yourself?

Trent: Because everyone always sees me as happy, funny and relaxed. Social media can be very deceiving, myself included of course. You start to compare yourself and only ever see the great moments of everyone else. You forget that there is a normal person behind it. And because I took it to heart to address things that bother me, that was the only option for me at the moment. I never expected the wave of support and love that came back. So many thought that they felt the same way and thought it was nice that such a side was also shown. You feel seen and understood.

Your songs are very personal. Do you find it difficult to open up like this?

Trent: Funnily enough, not at all. It feels very natural and I know a lot of people feel that way. That’s why I’m just someone who speaks the thoughts of others.

You released your debut single in 2016, your debut album is only coming out now. You took the time to find your own sound. How would you describe this path?

Trent: It’s actually interesting to note that I’ve walked such a personal and private path in such a public way. Basically, I’m singing from my diary. But I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. It was a very multi-faceted path that brought me a lot of uncertainty, but also a lot of joy. I had always tried to follow a trend until I realized that I could create one myself.

Her debut album is entitled “The Stages of Change”. What are the stages of change for you personally in your life?

Trent: The title rather describes a phase in my life that was very intense. I had reached a point on an artistic and personal level where I felt like I couldn’t progress any further. That’s why I decided to take a break and process all my experiences of the last few years in my music. The result is a collection from the most diverse areas of my life.

You grew up bilingual – German and Italian. How did that affect you later in life?

Trent: First and foremost, I immediately developed an interest in foreign languages ​​and immediately learned English, Spanish and French at school. I would also say that I grew up with a broader horizon. It also helped me for my work to approach things from an international perspective. And of course I’m very proud to be from Italy and Austria.

You were on the stage at ESC 2017 in Kyiv. How do you feel when you look back on this moment with the current war events in the background?

Trent: It’s still difficult for me to find the right words for this situation. It breaks my heart to know that things like this still happen today. I sincerely hope that peace will return as soon as possible.

Do you have any personal favorites at this year’s ESC?

Trent: I haven’t really followed ESC for a few years to be honest, but I heard the Italian entry for this year and I really like it.

What do you particularly like to think back to when you took part in the ESC?

Trent: Of the incredible impressions and the many concerts I gave. Also to the fantastic ESC fan base. That was really a great experience.

They are very active on TikTok. What are the pros and cons of the platform for you?

Trent: TikTok has my life under control (unfortunately) a bit now. I love this platform because it allows you to reach an incredible number of people at once and it’s just a breath of fresh air compared to Instagram and YouTube. But on the other hand, it can get very stressful and basically you’re always competing with the last video you posted. But I still really enjoy it.

You are nominated for an Amadeus Award in the Songwriter of the Year category. How much would it mean to you to win this award?

Trent: This title is of course particularly flattering and I am very honored. Of course I would be super happy, but I have to say that just being nominated feels like I’ve done everything right.

Her album will be released on April 1st. Are you a fan of April Fools’ Day? When was the last time someone fooled you?

Trent: I myself was born on April 4th and wanted to give myself my own gift early on. In fact, I keep falling for my father’s April Fools jokes. Every year I’m mentally prepared for it, but every year he manages to fool me completely. This year comes the return carriage.

What other private and professional plans do you have for this year?

Trent: I really want to take a little break after the tour in April. I thought of Bali. A few months away from the window and then full throttle back into action, I’m really looking forward to that.


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