Nathalie Marquay protests against rumors about her relationship with Jean-Pierre Pernaut

There are those who make fun of these catchphrases, others who read them frankly. And then there are the people concerned by the front pages of some of these magazines, like Nathalie Marquay. This Friday, France Sunday devoted the cover of its latest issue to the wife of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who has lung cancer. “While he is fighting against death, Nathalie is gone”, we can read.

On his Instagram account, the actress was indignant at the headline of the magazine. “You making money on the illness of the man I love, the father of my children: that is the height of execration! Couldn’t you spare our family during this difficult time for us and our loved ones and show respect and humanity, ”implored Nathalie Marquay.

Yes, Nathalie Marquay left… two days

Just open the inner pages of France Sunday to discover what is hidden behind this title. In reality, “Nathalie is gone”, yes, but only two days as part of the tour of the play in which she plays. On January 8 and 9, the actress was in Raon-l’Étape then in Mulhouse to give performances of Tontons Pranksters.

“Did it deserve a ‘cover’ of that ilk? “, asks Nathalie Marquay who has received the support of her fans and in particular of Karine Le Marchand. In commentary to her publication, the host of M6 did not go with dead hands: “These gutter rats have no limits or morals”, she launched.

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